Last update 9 May "06

All the shells are selected specimens in excellent quality.
Please click on the light blue names of the shells to see the plates of them. 
The plates of the others shells are available after request.


Please enjoy the Quality Shells
  2-6 February 2025


Naquetia annandalei (Preston 1910)  Gem W/O 80 mm. $95.00 UNAVAILABLE Orange color, large and very nice. Bohol 2000
Naquetia annandalei (Preston 1910)  Gem 85,9 mm. $55.00 Chocolate color, large and very nice. Bohol “00
Homalocantha anomaliae (Kosuge 1979)  Gem 26,4 mm. UNAVAILABLE Outstanding! Very attractive. Peach color with yellowish perfect spines and siphon canal. Panglao Isl. Bohol 2002
Chicoreus axicornis (Lamarck 1822)  Gem W/O 66,8 mm. UNAVAILABLE Brown color with perfect curved long spines, very nice. Davao “00
Chicoreus axicornis (Lamarck 1822)  Gem W/O 63,6 mm. $30.00 Reach cream color with perfect curved long spines, very nice. Davao “00
Chicoreus axicornis (Lamarck 1822)  F+++ W/O 47,3 mm. $25.00 Purplish/brawn color with perfect curved long spines, very nice. Davao “00
Chicoreus axicornis (Lamarck 1822)  Gem W/O 50,9 mm. $40.00 Yellow color with perfect curved long spines, very nice. Davao “00
Chicoreus axicornis (Lamarck 1822)  Gem W/O 51,4 mm. $30.00 Lavender/cream color with perfect curved long spines, very nice. Davao “00
Chicoreus axicornis (Lamarck 1822)  Gem W/O 41,8 mm. UNAVAILABLE Pinkish color with perfect curved long spines, very nice. Davao “00
Favartia balteata (Sowerby 1841)  F+++ W/O 29,6 mm. $30.00 Huge. Very pretty, white color with black spines. Cebu 1999
Favartia balteata (Sowerby 1841)  F+++/Gem 23,3 mm. $20.00 Very pretty, yellow/orange color with black spines. Cebu 1999
Bolinus brandaris longispinosus form (Linne 1758)  F+++/Gem 65+ mm. W/O $10.00 With fine long spine. Varkiza bay on sand 3-10 m. Saronicos Gulf, Greece 1999
Bolinus brandaris longispinosus form (Linne 1758)  F+++ W/O 76 mm. $10.00 Very attractive, fine long spines, few are chipped. Varkiza bay on sand 3-10 m. Saronicos gulf, Greece "00
Bolinus brandaris longispinosus form (Linne 1758)  F+++/Gem 70,8 mm. UNAVAILABLEAwesome. Triple row of spines, long and perfect, very hard to find in this quality, one spine is malformed. Varkiza bay on sand 3-10 m. Saronicos gulf Greece August "00
Bolinus brandaris freak (Linne 1758)  F++ W/O 68,3 mm. $50.00 Very unusual, as the last four spires has only one row of spines, the end of few spines has small damage. Varkiza bay on sand 3-10 m. Saronicos gulf Greece August "00
Chicoreus bundharmai  F+++/Gem 101,3 mm. UNAVAILABLE Extra large, nice spines. Trawled from 25-55 m. Quang Ngai Vietnam 1999 
Murex chicoreus cnissodus (Euthyme 1888)  F+++ W/O 72,9 mm. UNAVAILABLEOutstanding! Very beautiful. White color with light yellowish/brown lines, mauve/brown marks and attractive spines. Few spines are slightly chipped. Panglao Isl. Bohol 2004
Coronium coronatus Penna-Neme & Leme 1978  F++/F+++ 51,5 mm. $180.00 Very attractive, yellowish cream color, has a couple not important small growth defect and small nick on the siphon canal. Trawled by nets at 100-150 m. Off Itajai, Santa Catarina State, Brazil May 2000
Chicoreus crocatus (Reeve 1845)  F+++ W/O 68,4 mm. $40.00 Large size, yellowish cream color with black perfect spines, protoconch damaged. 
Zamboanga 1999
Chicoreus crocatus (Reeve 1845)  F+++ 59,6 mm. UNAVAILABLE Very attractive, yellowish color with red/orange spines. Zamboanga "00
Chicoreus crocatus (Reeve 1845)  Gem 59 mm. $45.00 Yellowish color with orange spines, very pretty. Zamboanga 1999
Chicoreus crocatus (Reeve 1845)  Gem 48,2 mm. $45.00 Yellow color, very pretty. Zamboanga 1999 
Haustellum cf. dentifer albino (Watson 1883)  F+++/Gem W/O 73 mm. $40.00 Outstanding, unusual white color with long siphon canal. Cebu "00
Chicoreus dodongi Houart 1995  F+++ 28,9 mm. $15.00 Yellowish with brown bands and pink spines, very pretty, extra large size. Samar Isl. 1999 
Favartia cf. dorothyae Emerson & D'Attilio 1979  F+++/Gem 19 mm. UNAVAILABLE Unusual and attractive. Cebu "00
Favartia dorothyae Emerson & D'Attilio 1979  Gem 21 mm. $30.00 White color with pink siphon, very pretty. Cebu “00
Murexiella mactanensis Emerson & D'Attilio 1979  F+++/Gem 18,2 mm. UNAVAILABLE Very pretty, pink color. Mactan Isl. Cebu “00
Pterynotus martinetana  F+++/Gem W/O 28,6 mm. $20.00 Cream & black with pink spines. Balut Isl. Mindanao Philippines 1999
Pterynotus martinetana  F+++/Gem 26,3 mm. $15.00 Cream & black with pink spines. Balut Isl. Mindanao Philippines 1999
Murexiella martini Shikama 1977  F+++/Gem 22,6 mm. $20.00 Very nice, yellowish color, with long siphon and spines. Bohol “99
Murexiella martini Shikama 1977  F+++/Gem 21 mm. $15.00 Very nice, yellowish color, with long siphon and spines. Bohol “99
Murexiella martini Shikama 1977  F+++/Gem 17,9 mm. $15.00 Very nice, yellowish color, with long siphon and spines. Bohol “99
Murexiella martini Shikama 1977  F+++/Gem 19 & 17 mm. $15.00 Brown color with fine spines and siphon. Bohol Philippines 1998
Pterynotus miyokoae Kosuge 1979  F+++ W/O 66,7 mm. $80.00 Outstanding! Large, yellowish and light brown bands with very attractive wings, and long curved siphon. Balut Isl. Mindanao "02
Pterynotus miyokoae Kosuge 1979  F+++/Gem W/O 59,7 mm. $70.00 Outstanding! Uncommon light color, yellowish/white and beige bands with very attractive almost perfect wings. Balut Isl. Mindanao "02 
Pterynotus miyokoae albino Kosuge 1979  F+++ W/O 64,2 mm. UNAVAILABLE Outstanding! Large, rare white color with very attractive almost perfect wings and long curved siphon.  Balut Isl. Mindanao "02
Murex dermomurex neglecta (Habe & Kosuge 1971)  F+++/Gem 20,7 mm. UNAVAILABLE Very attractive. Corded, white color. The protoconch is slightly chipped. Balicasag Isl. Bohol 2002
Chicoreus cf. nobilis (4 varices) Shikama 1977  Gem 40,4 mm. UNAVAILABLEAn abnormal specimen with 4 varices of spines. Yellowish color with pinkish spines, very attractive. Cebu "00
Chicoreus nobilis albino Shikama 1977  Gem W/O 52,8 mm. UNAVAILABLE Very attractive, rare white color with perfect spines. 
Olango Isl. Cebu "02
Murexiella pelepili D'Attilio & Bertsch 1980  F+++ 23 mm. $15.00 Cream color. Cebu Philippines “99
Murexiella pelepili D'Attilio & Bertsch 1980  F+++/Gem 20,6 mm. $15.00 Chocolate color. Cebu Philippines “99
Murexiella pelepili D'Attilio & Bertsch 1980  F+++/Gem 20 mm. $15.00 Yellow/orange color. Cebu Philippines “99
Murexiella pelepili long spiny form D'Attilio & Bertsch 1980  F+++/Gem 32,1 mm. $70.00 Huge. Brown color with long fine spines. Cebu “99
Murexiella pelepili long spiny form D'Attilio & Bertsch 1980  Gem W/O 29 mm. $40.00 Brown color with long fine spines. Cebu “99 
Dermomurex scalaroides (Blainville 1829)  F+++/Gem 6 mm. $24.00 Very pretty and rare. Lamellate, yellowish/cram color. Trawled at 120 m. Bozcaada Isl. North Aegean Sea 1998
Scorpio  F+++ 43,6 mm. $15.00 White with brown spines. Cebu 1998 
Chicomurex superbus (G. B. Sowerby III 1889)  Color variations 
Mactan Isl. Cebu Philippines 1998
                  #1 Gem W/O 77,6 mm. $35.00 UNAVAILABLE
                  #2 Gem W/O 74 mm. $30.00 UNAVAILABLE 
                 #3 Gem W/O 70 mm. $25.00 UNAVAILABLE
               #4 Gem W/O 68,7 mm. $25.00
                  #5 Gem W/O 67,8 mm. $20.00 
                  #6 Gem W/O 65 mm. $25.00 
                  #7 Gem W/O 62,1 mm. $15.00 
                 #8 Gem W/O 51,8 mm. $10.00 
                  #9 Gem W/O 51,7 mm. $15.00 
                  #10 Gem W/O 41,8 mm. $10.00 
Superbus (G. B. Sowerby III 1889)  Gem W/O 77,7 mm. $35.00 Mactan Isl. Cebu Philippines 1998
Chicomurex superbus [pink] (G. B. Sowerby III 1889)  Gem 36 mm. $20.00 Very pretty, slightly juvenile, pink color with red spots on varices. Mactan Isl. Cebu “00
Hexaplex trunculus (Linne 1758)  F++ $4.00 Self collected Saronicos gulf Greece 1997 
Torrefactus  F+++/Gem $5.00 $ Self collected Krabi Andaman Sea 1996 
Pteropurpura trialata (Sowerby 1834)  F+++ 65,4 mm. UNAVAILABLE Very nice, brown color with yellowish/cream lines and almost perfect cream wings. At low tide. San Clemente Isl. California "76
Siratus venustulus Rehder & Wilson 1975  Color variations Mactan Isl. Cebu Philippines 1998
                    #1 Gem 57,2 mm. $25.00 UNAVAILABLE
                    #2 Gem 54 mm. $20.00
                   #3 Gem W/O 53,9 mm. $15.00 UNAVAILABLE
                   #4 Gem 52,6 mm. $15.00
                    #5 Gem 52,2 mm. $10.00 
                    #6 Gem W/O 51 mm. $10.00 UNAVAILABLE
                    #7 Gem W/O 43,6 mm. $15.00 UNAVAILABLE
                   #8 Gem 49,2 mm. $25.00 UNAVAILABLE 
                    #9 Gem W/O 46,7 mm. $20.00
                    #10 Gem 43,7 mm. $8.00 
                    #11 Gem 40,6 mm. $8.00 
                    #12 Gem 39,5 mm. $8.00 
Siratus vicdani Kosuge 1980  F+++ W/O 46,7 mm. $60.00 Very attractive, yellowish/cream color with beige bands and brown marks. A spine and the canal are slightly chipped. Samal Isl. Davao “00
Zamboi (Burch & Burch 1960)  Gem 18-33 mm. $5.00  juvenile with long spines very pretty. Cebu 1998 
Attiliosa nodulifera (Sowerby, 1841)  F+++ 27 mm. $10.00 Very nice, yellowish color with black spines. Cebu “99
Fuegotrophon pallidus Powell 1951  F++/F+++ W/O 15 mm.5 $30.00 Very nice. White color. The tip and the canal are little chipped. Trawled at 120 m. Rare new location, Uruguay 2005
Habromorula spinosa  F+++ 20,5 mm. $22.00 Very attractive, yellowish cream color with black spines. Philippines "00
Lataxiena fimbriata (Hinds 1844)  F++ 39,5 mm. $20.00 Very attractive. Has one coral and valve of chama on it. Samar "00 
Murexiella humilis (Broderip 1833)  F+++/Gem W/O 20,6 mm. UNAVAILABLE Outstanding! Very beautiful. Cream/white color with brown band and attractive perfect spines. Dredged off Gobernadora Isl. Panama, March 1989
Paziella nuttingi (Dall 1896)  Gem 11,4 mm. $30.00 Very pretty. Corded, cream/white color with perfect spines. Dredged at 450-500 m. in mud and rock. Escudo de Veragus, Caribbean, Panama 2005
Trophon albidus (Philippi 1846)  F+++/Gem W/O 24,4 mm. $60.00 Outstanding! Very nice. Corded, orange/beige and yellowish color. Has a small chip and the protoconch are slightly chipped. Dived at 15 m. Beagle Channel, Ushuaia, Argentina 2005
Trophon geversianus (Palas 1774)  F+++ W/O 47,7 mm. $36.00 Outstanding Cancellated! Very nice. Cancellated, pale bluish/gray and cream color. Has few slightly growth defects dose not detract from it's overall beauty and the protoconch is slightly chipped. Dived at 17 m. De los Estados Isl. Tierra del Fuego, Argentina 2005
Trophon geversianus (Palas 1774)  F++/F+++ W/O 46,1 mm. $36.00 Outstanding Lamellated! Very nice. Lamellated, grayish/beige color with attractive lamellas. The lip is chipped. Dived at 17 m. De los Estados Isl. Tierra del Fuego, Argentina 2005
Trophon geversianus (Palas 1774)  F++ W/O 42,2 mm. $46.00 Gorgeous Lamellated & Cancellated! Very beautiful exceptional color. Lamellated & cancellated, yellow and white color with bluish marks and attractive lamellas. Few lamellas and the lip are little chipped. Dived at 17 m. De los Estados Isl. Tierra del Fuego, Argentina 2005
Trophon geversianus (Palas 1774)  F++ W/O 63,6 mm. $75.00 Outstanding Large Lamellated! Very beautiful. Lamellated, mauve/beige color with attractive lamellas. Has slightly growth marks and defects, some lamellas are chipped. Dived at 17 m. De los Estados Isl. Tierra del Fuego, Argentina 2005
Trophon geversianus (Pallas 1774) F++ W/O 59.1 mm. UNAVAILABLE Large and very beautiful frilly form. Rare gold/honey color with attractive short lamellas and reddish/brown the inside of aperture. The lamellas are slightly chipped. Dived at 30 m. De Los Estados Isl. Tierra del Fuego Argentina 2000
Trophon pelseneeri E. A. Smith 1915  F+++/Gem W/O 26,9  mm. UNAVAILABLE Gorgeous Orange/White! Very beautiful. Pinkish/orange color with white bands and attractive almost perfect lamellas. Few lamellas has nicks. Trawled at 80 m. on muddy sand bottoms. Uruguay 2005
Trophon pelseneeri E. A. Smith 1915  F++ 26,3 mm. $40.00 Gorgeous Pink/Cream! Very beautiful. Pink and cream color with attractive lamellas. Few lamellas are chipped. Trawled at 80 m. on muddy sand bottoms. Uruguay 2005
Trophon pelseneeri E. A. Smith 1915  F++ 25,5 mm. $48.00 Gorgeous Yellowish! Very beautiful. Pale yellowish color with attractive lamellas. Few lamellas are chipped. Trawled at 80 m. on muddy sand bottoms. Uruguay 2005
Typhis pinnatus (Broderip 1833)  F++/F+++ W/O 16,2 mm. UNAVAILABLE Gorgeous! Very pretty. Corded, yellowish/white color. Has few micro defect and the side of the canal is little damaged. Dredged at 250 m. San Blas Isl. Caribbean, Panama 2005
Vitularia miliaris (Gmelin 1791)  F+++ W/O 35-42 mm. $6.00 Orange & white-orange. Cebu Philippines 1998
Vitularia miliaris(Gmelin 1791)  F+++ W/O 35-42 mm. $8.00 brown with cream blotch.  Cebu Philippines 1998
Xymenopsis muriciformis (King & Broderip 1832)  F++ W/O 21,3 mm. $30.00 Very nice. Corded, lavender, beige and yellowish/cream color. Has slightly growth scar, the side of the canal, the lip and the protoconch are chipped. Dived at 7 m. Beagle Channel, Ushuaia, Argentina 2005
Xymenopsis muriciformis form decolor (Philippi 1845)  F++/F+++ W/O 32,5 mm. $55.00 Very nice. Corded, yellowish, beige and mauve color. Has few micro defects, the side of the canal and the protoconch are slightly chipped. Dredged at 15 m. Beagle Channel, Ushuaia, Argentina 2005



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